Ways to
support us

Help us give kids life skills to deal with the hard stuff 


Through generous fundraising, you will help give kids the
smarts to deal with the hard stuff

Make a Donation

Just as our students do, take positive action towards change by giving a gift to prevent health + wellbeing issues.

Your generous donation today means we can provide Victorian students the life skills to deal with the hard stuff.

Support Us

Join The Family

Partner with us as a team, business or community.

Essential to our work, corporate partners contribute to positive actions. You'll become part of Harold's
Life Smart Kids Family

Support Us

Become A Regular Giver

Make an impact of as little or as much as you can as an individual

Regular donations see regular change. 
Whether it's becoming a regular giver or giving once, you'll become part of Heathy Harold's Life Smart Kids Team

Support Us


Join us in supporting Life Smart Kids by joining one of our upcoming family friendly events.

Ritchies IGA Benefits

Ritchies IGA Benefits

Become a Ritchies Card Member today to receive weekly specials along with helping raise funds for Life Ed Victoria.

Play For Purpose Raffle

Win $250k First Prize Pack

Enter the Play For Purpose raffle where the prizes ar huge and tickets only $10! 

Support Us

Create Your Own Fundraisier

Host your own fundraiser and raise vital funds to help create Life Smart Kids.

Support Us

Leave A Gift In Your Will

Create a legacy that will benefit future generations of Victorian children.

Workplace Giving

goodcompany make your workforce thrive by connecting every employee to charities like ours.
Shopnate - Life Ed Victoria (Healthy Harold)


Raise free funds for Australian causes while saving on your shopping!

Create your
own fundraisier

By fundraising for Life Ed Victoria, you help create Life Smart Kids by providing kids in Victoria the life skills they need to thrive in life.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Host a Healthy Morning Tea: At your home, school or office share a coffee and ask friends and family to donate what they would have spent on a coffee and snack at a café.
  • Get Moving: Clock up the KM's in anyway you can and get your friends, colleagues and family involved.
  • iSwap Challenge: Swap soft drink or alcohol for water, sleep-ins for walks. Make a swap that will improve your healthy habits.

Get started

Support Us